

  • CommonString’s .memoryview() raises ValueError now for friendliness with linters


  • keep_memoryview context option appeared, respected by OctetString and Any objects during DER decoding. If set, then their internal values will keep memoryview reference instead of full bytes copy

  • Correspondingly OctetString and Any have .memoryview() method


  • .totzdatetime() appeared in UTCTime and GeneralizedTime, explicitly setting UTC timezone information. Optional library is required for that


  • Drop Python 2.7 support. No six dependency anymore


  • Fix previous release’s style breaking in ASN.1 browser


  • Append offsets to tree elements in ASN.1 browser for ease of navigation


  • Trivial documentation fixes


  • Workability under Microsoft Windows OS should be restored: it has different mmap constants and implementation, preventing pyderasn importing


  • Incompatible change: explicitly check that only naive datetime objects are used for UTCTime and GeneralizedTime, raise an error otherwise. Previously they silently ignored tzinfo


  • Strictly check that tag’s long encoded form does not contain leading zero (X.690 (c))

  • Strictly check that tag’s long form is used in expected way for small values (X.690


  • Proper strict alphabet validation of VisibleString

  • VisibleString and IA5String also have allowable_chars property

  • Fixed TeletexString, T61String use iso-8859-1 encoding (instead of ascii), because they are 8-bit encodings


  • Also print full TLVlen in ASN.1 browser


  • Fix DEFINED BY pprinting when invoking as __main__ module

  • Integer has tohex() for getting hexadecimal representation of its value

  • hexdump() (hexdump -C like output) and ascii_visualize() (visualize ASCII printable characters, like in hexdump -C) pretty printing functions appeared

  • Experimental ASN.1 interactive terminal browser (--browse and pyderasn.browse). You will need urwid package to use it


  • SEQUENCE/SET fully performs default value existence validation in evgen mode, by the cost of DEFAULTed value full decoding. That should not be the problem, as DEFAULTs are relatively small in practice. Now evgen mode has the same DER validation strictness as an ordinary one


  • Restored workability of some command line options

  • 2-pass DER encoding mode with very little memory footprint


  • README updating


  • Fixed invalid behaviour where SET OF allowed multiple objects with the same tag to be successfully decoded

  • Fixed possibly invalid SET DER encoding where objects were not sorted by tag, but by encoded representation

  • Any does not allow empty data value now. Now it checks if it has valid ASN.1 tag

  • SetOf is not treated as ready, if no value was set and minimum bounds are greater than zero

  • Any allows an ordinary Obj storing, without its forceful encoded representation storage. That is required for CER encoding mode, where we do not know in advance what encoding will be used

  • ObjectIdentifier stores values as C unsigned long integer, forbidding storage of huge integers, that must not be a problem in practice

  • Initial support for so called evgen_mode: event generation mode, where no in-memory objects storing happens, giving ability to process ASN.1 data without fully parsing it first. python -m pyderasn has --evgen mode switcher

  • Useful agg_octet_string that is able to streamingly decode string from events of evgen_mode, allowing strings retrieving without copying them to memory first

  • Initial experimental CER encoding mode, allowing streaming encoding of the data directly to some writeable object

  • Ability to use mmap-ed memoryviews to skip files loading to memory

  • Ability to use memoryview as an input for *Strings. If they are mmap-ed, then you can encode any quantities of data streamingly without copying to memory


  • Fixed workability under Python 3.5. Previously only 2.7 and 3.6 versions were tested


  • Python int()’s accepts even more various non-decimal characters than expected. Make validation fully strict in UTCTime and GeneralizedTime, without relying on int()


  • UTCTime and GeneralizedTime allowed values to have plus sign in them, passing int() check successfully. Prohibit that incorrect behaviour

  • UTCTime and GeneralizedTime BER decoding support

  • Faster UTCTime and GeneralizedTime decoding, and slightly better overall performance

  • Workability under Cython

  • Explicitly Check that all ObjectIdentifier arcs are non-negative


  • .copy() method removed: copy.copy() is preferred way to copy objects now

  • Copies made previously with .copy() lacked .defined field, now they are not

  • All objects are friendly to pickle libraries

  • PrintableString has allow_asterisk and allow_ampersand properties

  • .hexencode(), .hexdecode() and .hexdecod() methods appeared, working with hexadecimal encoded data


  • Convenient .decod() method, that raises if tail is not empty

  • Control characters (like newlines) of text fields in pprinted output are escaped

  • Ability to allow asterisk and ampersand characters (allow_asterisk, allow_ampersand kwargs) in PrintableString, that unfortunately could be met in X.509 certificates


  • PEP-396 compatible module’s __version__


  • Do not shadow underlying DecodeError during decoding of optional sequence’s field


  • Forbid any later GNU GPL version autousage (project’s licence now is GNU LGPLv3 only)

  • Fix defines_by_path context option usage example


  • Fix fallbacked colored() function workability, if no termcolor is installed


  • Fix empty --oids workability


  • Ability to specify multiple OID mappings for pprinted output (oids keyword argument is renamed to oid_maps)


  • Minor decode speed improvements

  • Much faster UTCTime/GeneralizedTime decoders

  • Stricter UTCTime/GeneralizedTime DER encoding check: trailing zeroes are forbidden

  • Valid DER encoding of GeneralizedTime with microseconds: no trailing zeroes appended


  • ObjectIdentifier has ber_encoded set to True, if non-normalized arc encoding is met

  • Preserve BER-related attributes during copy()


  • Added COMPLI ASN.1:2008 test suite. PyDERASN passes it (except for REAL values), but it is more strict sometimes and aimed to be compliant with X.690-201508

  • Check for arc values normalization in ObjectIdentifier. Forbid non-normalized in DER encoding


  • ctx parameter can be safely used in .decode() and won’t be muted

  • PP nametuple contains reference to the ASN1Obj itself

  • colonize_hex function useful for pretty printing

  • Integer values are also pretty printed in hexadecimal form


  • All errors are inherited from ASN1Error class

  • NumericString/PrintableString has allowable_chars property holding all allowed characters


  • Fix NumericString: space is allowed character

  • Strict PrintableString sanitizing


  • Removed lenindef, ber_encoded attributes from the Choice – they must be taken from underlying value, as Choice does not have its own encoding

  • Do not yield extra EOC PP for Any, having indefinite length encoding and containing autodecoded DEFINED BY value


  • bered attribute, meaning if object has BER-specific encoding, is renamed to ber_encoded

  • bered attribute is replace with property showing if any of underlying values are BER-encoded. If value has length indefinite encoded explicit tag, value, if value contains BER-related encoding, or if it contains other objects that are bered, then it is bered


  • Default value is checked also for Sets, not for Sequences only

  • Incompatible change: defaulted values in Sequence/Set are always strictly checked, unless allow_default_values context option is set. strict_default_existence option disappeared

  • Strict Set/Set Of’s values ordering check


  • Additional encoding validness check: explicit tag must contain exactly one object inside. Throw DecodeError otherwise

  • allow_expl_oob context and command-line options allow skipping of that check


  • DecodeError’s decode paths are separated with :, instead of ., because of colliding with dots in OIDs

  • Ability to print element decode paths with --print-decode-path command line option (and corresponding keyword argument)

  • Ability to print tree’s branch specified with --decode-path-only


  • Fix possible uncaught TypeError in Py2 with zero bytes inside the value

  • Fix SequenceOf/SetOf raising BoundsError instead of DecodeError


  • Fix uncaught UTCTime/GeneralizedTime decode error when dealing with non ASCII-encoded values


  • Fix long-standing bug with explicitly tagged objects inside the Choice. If Choice had explicitly tagged value, then its .tlvlen reports the size without taking value’s explicit tag in advance

  • Add .fulllen and .fulloffset properties for all objects


  • SEQUENCE’s values are printed with field’s name. Previously there was the following output:


    now it is:

    AlgorithmIdentifier SEQUENCE[algorithm: OBJECT IDENTIFIER; parameters: [UNIV 5] ANY 0500 OPTIONAL]
  • Fixed EOC (Unicode character) repr printing issues under Python2


BER’s EOC is explicitly shown during pprinting. Following notation:

15-2 [0,0,1576]-4  . content: [0] EXPLICIT [UNIV 16] ANY

is replaced with:

  15-2∞ [0,0,1576]∞  . content: [0] EXPLICIT [UNIV 16] ANY
1587    [1,1,   0]   . content:  BER EOC
1589    [1,1,   0]   . content: EXPLICIT BER EOC


  • BER decoding support

  • BitString’s ‘’H notation support

  • termcolor package is included in the tarball


  • Ability to set values during Sequence initialization


  • Fix TagMismatch exception completeness during Choice and Set decoding. Previously we will loose offset and decode_path information about concrete TagMismatched entity


  • Strict NumericString’s value sanitation

  • Invalid encoding in string types will raise DecodeError exception, instead of Unicode*Error

  • Fixed DecodePathDefBy workability with Python 2.x


  • Fix nasty BitString decoding bug: it could fail when data follows encoded BitString value. There weren’t any problems when BitString is at the end of Sequence


  • Slightly corrected colours, now visible on white background


  • Fix bug related to DecodeError showing with DecodePathDefBy entities

  • Respect NO_COLOR environment variable


  • pyderasn.decode_path_defby() is replaced with pyderasn.DecodePathDefBy

  • Ability to turn colourized terminal output by calling pprint(..., with_colours=True). You will need termcolor package


  • Fixed invalid offset calculation when dealing with DEFINED BY objects having explicit tags


  • BIT STRINGs can also be DEFINED BY

  • Decoding process can be governed with optional ctx keyword argument to decode() method

  • defines_by_path option is now decode context option, not a keyword argument

  • Ability to do strict validation of defaulted values met in sequence, raising an exception


Ability to skip specified number of bytes (--skip) in command line utility.


  • Generic decoder’s schema and pretty printer (pyderasn.generic_decoder()) can be used in libraries

  • Ability to specify defines_by_path during command line invocation


Ability to automatically decode DEFINED BY fields inside SEQUENCEs.


Removed __lt__/__eq__ from base class, as pylint likes it.


Full rich comparison operators added.


Trivial README addition.


Initial release.